Gedung Perkantoran, Stasiun, Bandara Utara
Perhotelan, Rumah Sakit ataupun Toko Swalayan
Kualitas Terbaik dan Bergaransi. Banyak digunakan di gedung-gedung
HydraSwing is the perfect choice of linear actuator for large, heavy swing gates and swing gates subject to extreme wind load factors. Ideal for commercial, industrial or residential sites.
Gracefully move a 16 ft/4,000 lb leaf in 10-15 seconds and a 40 ft/15,000 lb gate leaf in 20-30 seconds.* HydraSwing features symmetrical design for left or right hand mounting and industrial grade components for extremely low maintenance and exceptionally long life.
Proven reliable hydraulics and industrial grade components mean low maintenance and long operator life.
Easily configure gate operation to specific site requirements with HySecurity's Smart Touch Controller. PC interface provided for easy configuration and quick troubleshooting using Smart Touch Analyze and Retrieve Tool (S.T.A.R.T.). Three configurable user relays plus optional Hy8Relay™ - an extended relay module providing eight additional programmable relay outputs.
Seamless synchronization with all HySecurity operators for dual gate, sally port or sequenced gate applications.
Note: Actual open/close time dependent on gate weight/length, percentage of open area on panel and anticipated wind speed.
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